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Windows Install Procedure


If you need to download
Apache, Php or fpdf,
click on the following link :


Here you'll find all you need to install and configure
Apache, Php and fpdf.
Just follow the steps and it should be all right.
If you have any problem, just mail me
and we'll try to find a solution.

Note : in the following help, do never type the '<' nor '>' unless specified.



1. You have to select a root directory for your web site:
   <C:/MyWebSite> for exemple (change the C:/MyWebSite to whatever root directory you choose)

2. Edit the httpd.conf and change these lines, modified to your environment:

   Change <ServerAdmin you@your.address> by <ServerAdmin MyMail>
   I guess you can put email address

   Change <#ServerName> by <ServerName localhost>
   Beware that the '#' has been removed

   Change <DocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs"> by <DocumentRoot "C:/MyWebSite">
   change <Directory "C:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs"> by <Directory "C:/MyWebSite">
   Note that you can use either the '/' or the '\' character.

3. Do not use any proxy to reach local addresses (Browser option)

   Launch the apache server
   Launch a web browser and enter <>
   If you see the content of <C:/MyWebSite>, then it works



1. Stop the Apache Webserver.

2. Unzip the Package, into <C:\php> for exemple (change all the C:\php if not),
   Copy the <C:\php\php4ts.dll> file to the windows/system(32) directory
   (overwritte any older file)

4. Copy the <php4apache.dll> file into the <C:\php> directory

5. Edit the httpd.conf and put in these lines, modified to your environment:

   # for the apache module
   LoadModule php4_module c:/php/php4apache.dll
   AddType application/x-httpd-php .php4

   #for the cgi binary (you can use that one compiled with force cgi redirect too)
   ScriptAlias /php4/ "C:/php/"
   Action application/x-httpd-php4 "/php4/php.exe"
   AddType application/x-httpd-php4 .php4
   AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
   AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

6. The <php.ini> file has to be in your windows's directory (directory where you
   installed windows). If not, copy it into that directory. The original file can
   be in your <C:\php> directory, and perhaps under the name <php.ini-dist>.
   After the eventual copy & rename,  edit the php.ini to fit your needs.

7. Restart the Apache server.

   create a file named <phpinfo.php> in your <C:/MyWebSite> (your localhost adress).
   the content of the file should be (this time type the '<' and '>'): <? phpInfo(); ?> 
   Launch a web browser and enter <http://localhost/phpinfo.php>
   If you see php information, then it works



1. Stop the Apache Webserver.

2. Unzip the Package, into <C:/MyWebSite/fpdf> for exemple
   (change all the C:/MyWebSite/fpdf if not)

4. Update the <php.ini> file (located in your windows's directory) :
   change the <include_path => into <include_path = ".;\fpdf;\fpdf\font">

5. Restart the Apache server.

   Launch a web browser and enter <>
   (or whatever directory you installed fpdf in).
   If you see "Hello World", then it works

Written by Cédric Poncet-Montange